Who am I?

Passionate about mathematics and computer science, I work on making both worlds meet and get the best out of each other. I have had and still am having a dual academic and engineering career in which I let industrial questions drive my research interest and let my engineering problems benefit from current research. In parallel to research and industrial problem solving, I mentor students in their learning journeys.

A Brief History of me

Here are the key highlights from my career.

On my free time, I tend to fiddle around with computer vision an Raspberry Pi's and similar nerdy things. Or I am out playing music or running marathons or hiking or... Should you be so curious, you may have a look at a more extended academic resume, or check my Linkedin profile. Why would one want to inflict this upon themselves beats me.

Some key points

I am a fervent believer in Open science and reproducible research. As such most of my work and all of my recent works can be found online on various platforms: my research page; my list of publications; my software on GitHub; some recent papers on arXiv. You may also drop me an email, should you need more references. I have also contributed to some open source projects, such as

I am very greatful to have had the opportunity to teach and talk in various places around the world, including:

As a researcher, I am generally interested in applications of sparse approximation and signal processing to general mathematical and engineering problems. I am now tackling new challenges in algorithmic differentiation and contribute on theoretical aspects as well as implementations within the source to source differentiation software TAPENADE. I have contributed to many very diverse areas including (in non logical order) Optimal Coherence Tomography; Numerical solutions to parametric PDEs; Numerical recovery of sparse signals; Metagenomics; ...

This page is an ongoing work and contains only a subset of what it is hoped it will contain soon